
Tech Designer, Anant Quit Yo-Yo Dieting And Went From Skinny Fat To Shredded

“I’m a designer based in London and work in the tech industry. I live on the outskirts of the city and my commute can range between 1-1.5 hours each way. The distance means I’m far out enough to have a quiet place which I call home, inhabited by myself and my superstar of a wife.

Prior to joining RNT I’d tried various ways to shed the skinny-fat look accumulated after getting married. These methods included meal prepping, reducing my calories and training 4 days a week, but the results were never in line with the effort (I thought) I was putting in. My colleagues used to love it when I was ‘off the wagon’ i.e. not watching my diet or going to the gym, because I’d be more fun to be around. That fun was essentially a few months of binge eating, going out for drinks, getting takeaways and just pretty much indulging until I’d look in the mirror one day and force myself back ‘on the wagon’ with diet and training. This all or nothing approach went on for 4 years and left me with very little progress to show for it.

Joining RNT was one of the easiest decisions I’ve ever made. I first came across RNT on social media and realised the clients they’d managed to get shredded were similar to me. I thought if they can do it, so can I! I had already experimented with some of the structures you need to successfully transform, like meal prepping and training consistently but I clearly had a lot to learn. I never knew such a service existed and I jumped at the chance when the window to sign up opened.

I’d set a goal of getting a six pack by the time I reached 30 and 2 years later I was no way near that goal, so vanity was definitely a driving force. Another motivator was that I wasn’t getting younger and I’d started to get heart palpitations and moments of hypoglycaemia. Knowing that my mother is diabetic and has other health issues made me want to invest in my body for the future.

Working with RNT has been a smooth and efficient process. At first I was surprised I wouldn’t be speaking to the RNT team over the phone or on Skype, but I soon realised the asynchronous process fit perfectly with a busy life working in London. I knew my (many) questions and queries would be answered in 24 hours and the response would always give me a boost of accountability, knowing that even through the remote setup, I had someone with me on this journey. It’s reassuring to know that the coaches genuinely care and they have a wealth of experience.

Within 3 months of starting the programme I had a six pack emerging and at the 20 week marker we captured the progress with a photoshoot where my body was at its leanest. By this point in the journey I had structures and habits in place to keep my training and diet consistent, so that when I finally went into The Consolidation Phase I was set up for success. Although the dieting and training on low calories was brutal, it taught me a great deal about my mind and body.”

Anant has continued on his journey past his checkpoint and committed himself completely to building muscle. He entered The Investment Phase with single-minded focus, he is pretty much the perfect example of what can be done when you commit yourself to a solid Investment Phase!

Checkpoint Weight at week 29 of RNT Journey - 63kg

Investment Weight at week 73 of RNT Journey - 74.5kg

Recently, Anant sent us a comment talking about how he felt within himself after investing and building his muscle and strength:

“At an engagement party yesterday, it was the first time since the pandemic that we’d had a big get together. It’s also funny to note that I’ve been bulking since lockdown so there was a lot of surprised looks and compliments from the family on how much muscle I’d packed on, probably helped by the extra tight shirt (that wasn’t so extra tight when I first bought it over 2 years ago!). That felt good, and I realised how much more comfortable in my own skin I am when I’m bigger… When I’m skinnier I feel colder most of the time, and clothes fit me loosely.”

It’s amazing to see Anant’s progress from skinny-fat to lean to big muscled and strong. This just goes to show how much you can achieve when you commit to a path and give it everything you’ve got.

Investment Weight at week 109 of RNT Journey - 80.5kg

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